Some soldiers on Thursday allegedly accosted and arrested a veteran Nollywood actor, Chiwetalu Agu, for wearing Biafra regalia in Onitsha, Anambra state.
A trusted Nollywood source disclosed this on a popular Nollywood WhatsApp platform, adding that the actor was arrested at Upper Iweka, Onitsha, Vanguard reports.
“This is Upper Iweka Onitsha. The soldiers at the bridge head
arrested him. He was taken to the Onitsha Cantonment from where I have
learnt he has been taken to 82 Division, Enugu.
“All hands are on deck on the matter already. Although it’s dicey with all the insecurity going on in the East,” the source told the newspaper.
Another source said, “Apologies, there are conflicting reports on his whereabouts. But two of my sources are on their way to 82 Div Enugu to ascertain if he is there or not. But it’s confirmed that it happened today at Onitsha.”
There are other reports that youths have trooped out in their number to protest against his arrest, while some affirmed that it was a movie shoot.
The authenticity of the report is still however vague but there is strong indication that the arrest actually took place.
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