Tuesday, May 18, 2021

GOOGLE SEARCH: HOW TO MAKE MONEY ONLINE FREE SITE. the best strategies for social media marketing and earn money online

 30 "Proven" Ways to Make Money Online Blogging with WordPress (2020)

Most people rush toward paid ads when thinking about social media and Facebook marketing. But, there is no need for that. You can drive loads of free visitors from social media and make money online. And it mostly depends on presentation and consistency. The content you share, who you share it with and at what time?

  1. Decide on a Target Audience
  2. Find the Right Solution to Offer
  3. Create Bridge and/or Landing Pages
  4. Use Headers in Facebook Group Posts
  5. Be Creative with Emojis
  6. Set up Auto Posting for Consistency
  7. Engage with the Audience
  • Let us Take a Closer Look at these 7 Guidelines.
  1. Deciding on a target audience comes down to the kind of people that will be looking for what you are offering. Therefore, you must research social profiles and note the rules. Join social communities (pages and groups) relevant to your niche.
  2. Visit the social communities you wish to join and/or like and pay attention to what people are talking about. See what posts in the group or on the page get the most attention. Then focus your solution (affiliate product) on that.
  3. Create Google Sites or even Wix One-Page Websites if you do not have your own blog yet. But it is important to have a landing page other than your affiliate link to share. Because you never share affiliate links anywhere.
  4. Once you have joined the right Facebook groups. You will find the option to add headers to manual group posts. Adding H1 and H2 headers make your content easier understood by both audiences and search engines.
  5. Use emojis to make your social networking post stand out. Perhaps use a few related emojis to replace words in the text. Keep your visitor entertained from the moment they give your post a second look.
  6. Choose wisely and find the right auto-posting tool to use. Because you cannot possibly keep up with creating content for multiple social networking profiles. Not all auto-posting tools are created equal, read the reviews before you decide.
  7. Before you can receive, you first have to give. Therefore, you want to engage audiences by liking, sharing and commenting on their posts first. But even with this, consistency is crucial. Just keep on engaging.

These are just 6 basic guidelines, but there is a lot more about social media and Facebook marketing. And considering the competition, your content will have to be pretty awesome to get recognised. And you will need to learn how to leverage presentation skills.

 21+ Future Ways to Make Money Online Fast (2021)

There are presentation secrets with social media and Facebook you want to consider. When you just getting started, avoid Facebook ads unless you have professional help. But, marketing on Facebook and Social Media can be done 100% free. Consider these strategies and methods for free marketing on Facebook and Social Media.

  1. Google Sites and/or Wix Sites
  2. Facebook Pages and Groups
  3. Presentation Images
  4. Using H1 and H2 Headers in Group Posts
  5. Using Emojis to Replace Words
  6. Using Specific URLs

A profitable presentation on Facebook and social media means creating curiosity with a presentation. This is done by using an image and/or video design, especially the video thumbnail.

  • Quick Summary of the 6 Strategies.
  1. Google Sites and Wix Sites are basically one-page websites. And not only can they be used as bridge pages or landing pages. They can also rank in search engines if you follow the right SEO procedure and requirements.
  2. Facebook Pages and Groups are an excellent way to drive traffic. But only selected pages and groups, and that is where the hard work comes in. Because you need to search and read all page and/or post rules to find the ones that will work for you.
  3. Presentation images for your URLs must be of the required dimensions. The post image and/or video thumbnail must create curiosity. Focus all text to the centre of the image. Address a common need and suggest a solution without a sales pitch.
  4. Using H1 and H2 headers in group posts is another leveraging tactic. But that option is only available when manually posting to Facebook groups. Simply highlight the text and select H1 or H2 from the drop-down menu.
  5. Use emojis to replace words, because it sparks curiosity. For instance, use an eye emoji in the place of a work like “look” or “see”. Remember that your post must draw the most attention, so keep your visitor guessing from word go!
  6. Use only URLs you own. These include blog posts and pages to a domain you own. Or blog pages and posts from a free blog. Links from Google Sites and Wix Sites are all Facebook-friendly. As is YouTube video URLs.

But this is just a quick summary because there is way too much to discuss. Getting noticed on social media and Facebook is rather simple if you know which tools to use. How to use them, and more importantly, when to use them.

 12 Ways You Can Absolutely Make Money Online

  1. Establish Direction
  2. Creating Bridge Pages
  3. Facebook Pages and Groups
  4. Auto Posting and Consistency
  5. Audience Engagement
  6. Creating Curiosity through Presentation

Making money on social media may prove quite a bit more challenging than anticipated. Simply because everyone is trying to make a quick buck on social media. And that kind of approach is completely wrong. Posting random affiliate links in hope of a sale will get you blocked, suspended and banned.

  1. Establishing direction basically means deciding on what kind of audience you wish to target. This must be based on your profitable niche (AKA - What you love doing most). Because when you love what you do it will be impossible to give up.
  2. Creating bridge pages can be done with Google Sites, Wix One-Page Websites or just using your own blog and/or YouTube videos. A bridge page is basically a page that presents and redirects to your affiliate offer.
  3. Finding the right Facebook groups and pages to share your content with will require a lot of research. Visit each group and take note of the group rules. It can take months to build up a responsive audience with Facebook groups and pages.
  4. Audience engagement is of paramount importance. Before you can receive, you first have to give. So you need to like, share and comment on other people’s posts in order to build recognition. But you never share any link in a comment.
  5. Regardless of the method, you choose to create bridge pages. Always ensure that the URL you share display an attention-grabbing image for your social media and/or Facebook post. Use emojis, be creative and draw attention.

These are just a few basic principles of social media marketing. And in my opinion, your presentation is what turns a feed scroll into a visitor. And your content on the bridge and/or landing page turns a visitor into a buyer. It will always be about the quality of your content and presentation.

 How to make money from social media - Save the Student

Bluehost Is The Best. Why?

what are the reasons that Bluehost makes special ? or what makes Bluehost the best? mind that, everything is measured relative to its competitor platform, indeed, there is no perfection at all for all but relative, what makes bluehost peculiar is, One, bluehost is the most popular of all,it gained high reputation. so, it gets good traffic because many people are atracted by its reputation. second, It is the most trusted web hosting platform with protected SSL certification. third, Its price is customer/budget friendly. fourth, it is compatible with SEO tools. fifth, it has good performance and reliability. sixth, It gives 24/7 live chat and phone call support. seventh,it is Easy to setup and beginner friendly.

so, these all make it to be preferable relative to the others. as a result, try to lie your choice on Bluehost as it is the best option there.


Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money online. The only problem is that it can be difficult to generate traffic and sales on your own.

That's where paid advertising comes in! Paid ads are an easy way for affiliates to gain more exposure, increase their conversion rates, and ultimately generate more revenue for their business.

In this comment, I will discuss the benefits of using paid advertising with affiliate marketing as well as how you can get started today!


 28 Realistic Ways to Make Money Online in 2021 | Oberlo

 Paid ads are an easy way to increase exposure - You only pay when someone clicks on your ad - Your conversion rates may increase because people see that other people have bought from your site before them - Drive more revenue into affiliate marketing by increasing conversions and pageviews

How? Start with Google Ads or Facebook Ads both offer free tools to set up campaigns in minutes. All you need is a budget and some ideas for keywords/campaigns that will work best for your audience. Once done, your ads are live!

- For Facebook Ads, you can set up a campaign to target specific users. This means that instead of posting on your page publically and hoping for the best, you limit who sees it by targeting people with certain interests or demographics

- Google AdWords is great if you're looking to generate more traffic because this method targets searches rather than social media networks - so it's perfect if you have something like "free downloads" as an offer and want people searching online for freebies around the clock


If you are looking to increase the traffic on your blog, without spending any money, this answer is perfect for you. I will share with you 4 of my favorite ways that have helped me get more visitors to my blog. You can use these tips today!

Tip #I Create good quality content regularly. It may seem daunting at first because let's face it- We all want our blog posts and articles perfect before we hit publish right? But this is what sets apart successful bloggers from unsuccessful ones- You can't wait around for perfection when there is so much demand out there for good quality content!

-Make sure that you are posting regularly- It doesn't have to be every day. Just make sure that you're putting out content at least once or twice a week for your blog readers' sake, and then they will come back and check in with new posts from time to time. If you want more visitors without having to do anything, just create quality content regularly!

Tip #2 Build relationships with other bloggers. Social media is the perfect way of connecting with others because it's free and instantaneous (which can help when trying to get feedback on an article). You'll find like-minded people and potential connections by following blogs in your niche too so go ahead - jump right into those communities out there.

Tip #3 - If you want to get more visitors from social media, start by taking advantage of your current network. Use the power of Facebook and Twitter to let everyone know about your new blog posts so that they can share them with their friends too. This is a great way for people who already follow you on other outlets to see what's happening in one place.

If that doesn't work, use third-party websites like Quora, Blogger (which has an option for searching), or Reddit because these sites have larger audiences than just those following you on Facebook/Twitter. You will reach many more people this way!

Tip #4 - Set up an RSS feed subscription widget: When someone subscribes through your website's RSS feed, they will be notified of any new blog posts. This is a great way to make sure you don't miss out on any readers if someone doesn't want to follow the "old-fashioned" route and subscribe through email or other social networks.

Tip #5 - Create an account with Google My Business: Your business must have its own page in the search engine results pages for relevant queries about what it does so people can find you easily when searching online. You may have already set up a profile on Facebook (if not do it!) but did you know there was also one created by Google? Add information like address, phone number as well as pictures of the place where customers can visit should they come into


Tip #6 - Be persistent with posting: One thing we know from experience is how important persistence can be for something good to happen - sort of like the old saying "it never rains but it pours." For example, if you continually publish quality content that resonates well with readers, don't stop there. You should also promote it. Posting content to Facebook, Linked In and Twitter is a great way of doing this.

Tip #7 - Always be aware of what others say about yours or other blogs: When someone has posted something positive about you, don't forget to thank them! And if they have said anything negative - let it go.

Tip #8 - Keep content fresh and relevant: One of the best ways to keep readers engaged is by providing them with new, high-quality content regularly. This will make it much easier for people to come back, again and again, to read what you have posted since they know that there's always something exciting waiting for them when they do!

Tip #9 - Remember who your audience is: When writing blog posts, try not to lose sight of your specific target audience - this will help you write better material that resonates well with their needs and interests."

Tip #10 - Politely ask for feedback: Asking your readers for their opinion on a blog post not only allows them to feel like they are being heard but also allows you to know what topics resonate with others and which ones might need some additional work.


Getting website traffic is a huge topic, and there are many strategies that can be used to promote your business on the internet. In this answer, we will discuss five different tactics that you can use to get website traffic fast and free. These are all great ways to increase the number of visitors coming to your site without spending any money at all!

First, you can use social media to promote your website. Facebook and Twitter are great ways to find new customers who might be interested in your product or service. You just have to spend a bit of time creating content that is unique so people will want more when they see it on their feeds! Staggering different posts every day at different times will help keep up the interest level too. It's also important not to post too much either

- two quality posts per week should do the trick for starters, but you'll need some patience as well since this strategy isn't quick-acting like advertising on Google AdWords!

Second, email marketing really gets visitors coming back over time because each message becomes personal rather than generic. Creating a list of email addresses to mail updates and special offers too is a great way to keep them coming back.

- all free! You will need some time for this strategy because it's not fast-acting like advertising on Google AdWords but over time visitors should come through. Be sure to post at different times during the day so people don't get bored checking theirs feeds later on!

Third, find blogs and websites in your niche which are popular by checking out Alexa or ranking sites like Google Page Rank. Then you can follow them with an RSS reader and every time they post something new visit their website, retweet it, share it on social media, or comment about how great it was! Not only will this help drive visitors back to yours but also build relationships with other bloggers in your industry (you might even make some friends!)

Fourth, create an account with Pinterest if you haven't already done so. This site lets users pin their favorite quotes below images which act more specifically as ads. You can also include a link to your website or blog in the description.

Fifth, give away something for free! This is an easy way to get people onto your site and you don't have to spend any money at all. All you need is something that has value like a PDF report of information on how to do (fill in), coupons for services or discounts off products, membership passes - anything will work if it's valuable enough.


You can create a free blog about your products and put the referral link in it, and search for questions about your niche. She must put links once again to turn it into your blog.

I hope I helped you

 How to make money online: 51+ real ways to make money online in 2020

There are presentation secrets with social media and Facebook you want to consider. When you just getting started, avoid Facebook ads unless you have professional help. But, marketing on Facebook and Social Media can be done 100% free. Consider these strategies and methods for free marketing on Facebook and Social Media.

  1. Google Sites and/or Wix Sites
  2. Facebook Pages and Groups
  3. Presentation Images
  4. Using H1 and H2 Headers in Group Posts
  5. Using Emojis to Replace Words
  6. Using Specific URLs

A profitable presentation on Facebook and social media means creating curiosity with a presentation. This is done by using an image and/or video design, especially the video thumbnail.

  1. Google Sites and Wix Sites are basically one-page websites. And not only can they be used as bridge pages or landing pages. They can also rank in search engines if you follow the right SEO procedure and requirements.
  2. Facebook Pages and Groups are an excellent way to drive traffic. But only selected pages and groups, and that is where the hard work comes in. Because you need to search and read all page and/or post rules to find the ones that will work for you.
  3. Presentation images for your URLs must be of the required dimensions. The post image and/or video thumbnail must create curiosity. Focus all text to the centre of the image. Address a common need and suggest a solution without a sales pitch.
  4. Using H1 and H2 headers in group posts is another leveraging tactic. But that option is only available when manually posting to Facebook groups. Simply highlight the text and select H1 or H2 from the drop-down menu.
  5. Use emojis to replace words, because it sparks curiosity. For instance, use an eye emoji in the place of a work like “look” or “see”. Remember that your post must draw the most attention, so keep your visitor guessing from word go!
  6. Use only URLs you own. These include blog posts and pages to a domain you own. Or blog pages and posts from a free blog. Links from Google Sites and Wix Sites are all Facebook-friendly. As is YouTube video URLs.

But this is just a quick summary because there is way too much to discuss. Getting noticed on social media and Facebook is rather simple if you know which tools to use. How to use them, and more importantly, when to use them.


You can link to your own blog from within any content you post to medium. You can also link via your bio which runs alongside anything you post on their platform. I've seen some authors posting intros to longer form posts that continue on their own blogs. Also serialising content is an option, where you publish part one via medium and then follow ups are published on your own blog.


The never-ending battle of which one is better: Facebook Ads or Google Ads.

To get started, I think it’s very important to acknowledge the difference between both ad platforms.

Facebook Ads: used to generate interest from users who have not expressed intent in searching for or buying your product or service.

Google Ads: used to attract users who have expressed interest in searching for or buying your product or service.

Aside from retargeting ads, the majority of visitors coming from Facebook ads are usually at the very top of the funnel. These users have a problem but haven’t identified the problem or the solution yet.

They have probably never heard of you before but if you do a great job at getting their attention in the newsfeed with a great headline, an attractive image and great value propositions about your products, they’ll start interacting with your business.


From there, it’s your job to systematically set up your website or funnel to convert them into a customer.

Google Ads are a little different. People see Google ads when they search for something. For example, if you are running ads for sports bicycles and someone searches for “best sports bicycles” they may see your ad.

Visitors coming from Google ads are towards the bottom of the sales funnel. These users have a problem they have identified themselves and are looking for a solution.

They also probably have never heard of you so you should aim to offer the best possible solution for the problem they are searching for. It’s not just about offering the best solution, you have to also display it in a way that gets the user to click.

Meaning you should have the following in your ads:

  • Attention-grabbing headline
  • Great description (value propositions)
  • Display URL should include the keywords they are searching for
  • Ad Extensions ( site links. reviews, location, call, consumer ratings, followers and more)

Here’s an example of a great Google Ad. The more room your ad takes, the more attention it’ll receive.


Now that we know the difference between both, the answer is that you should be running both. Here’s why:

It’s not uncommon for someone to see a Facebook ad, then Google your name.

Also, when someone clicks your Google ad and goes to your website, you should be tracking them with the Facebook Pixel and showing them ads on Facebook and vice versa.

You can generate interest for your product or services on Facebook and display your solutions to those searching on Google.

I recommend doing both if you really want to dominate your market.



So, you’ve chosen affiliate marketing for your blog. It’s quite possible you’ve made some sales in the few days. But, are you using all the methods to promote affiliate products on your blog? Well, if you aren’t still using the smart techniques, I’m going to help you today.

Here at shemeansblogging, I share several ways to make money from blogging. I continue to write in-depth guides that help you make an extra income from blogging.

Considering all the blog monetization methods, affiliate marketing sits on the top. The reason why people promote affiliate products on their blog is simple. As a blogger, you use multiple online products, accessories, digital tools, physical products, and services. Even, if you are not using products for your blog growth you might use it in your personal life. And, affiliate marketing is all about promoting the affiliate products online. If someone clicks on your affiliate link and make a purchase then you will earn a small commission. Some affiliate programs also offer special coupons and discounts that help in boosting the sales.

If you’re new to affiliate marketing, I’d encourage you to check out these this post;



Until recently, many advertisers viewed Google AdWords and Facebook Ads in an adversarial way. The two companies’ long-standing rivalry, often dramatized by technology media outlets, was taken as irrefutable evidence that the two platforms were in direct competition with one another, and that it was necessary for businesses of all sizes to make a difficult decision about which platform was right for their needs; a false dichotomy that remains confusing and misleading to those new to online advertising.

Google AdWords: Paid Search

Google AdWords is the world’s largest and most popular PPC advertising platform. AdWords is so widely used, it has become synonymous with the term “paid search.” The two terms are used interchangeably, even though other platforms such as Bing Ads work in a similar way.

Facebook Ads: Paid Social

Facebook Ads is a prime example of what is known as “paid social,” or the practice of advertising on social networks. With the highest number of monthly active users (or MAUs) of any social network in the world, Facebook has become a highly competitive and potentially lucrative element of many businesses’ digital advertising strategies.

Both Google AdWords and Facebook Ads are incredibly powerful advertising platforms that cater to virtually every type of business. When evaluating each solution’s strengths and potential applications, it’s also apparent that the two platforms should be viewed in a complementary, rather than adversarial, way. Some people insist on comparing Facebook Ads to the Google Display Network, and while the two platforms share some similarities (as detailed in this comprehensive Facebook vs. Google Display Network infographic), the ways in which the two platforms have evolved independently of one another shows that AdWords and Facebook should be used in concert, not in opposition.

I hope this answers your question :-)


The way that GREAT BLOGS earn money is via Ads.



Google Adsense should be tertiary in regards to how you earn money with your blog!

So what do I mean?

It is important to know that Google Adsense is NOT how you are going to make 5 figures a month, or maybe even 4 figures a month!

How bloggers earn money is by first building a community of readers and followers who like what they are sharing.

Creating a website that educates and solves solutions for people is what your blog should be about.

Once you show Google that you have a steady viewership, which you can check GOOGLE ANALYTICS, you will then be able to apply to better paying Ad programs.

#1 - Apply To Better Paying Ad Programs

Those being Ezoic or Mediavine, just to name a few.

These will pay you much better than Google Adsense.

# 2 - Work Directly With Companies

But even with these, how Bloggers earner 5 figures a month is by working DIRECTLY with companies.

You cut out the middle man and work directly with a company.

You must create a media kit to show how well your blog is doing!

# 3 - Create A Course Or Service

Lastly, what you will want to do is create a course, or service to your readers.

Take this from a guy who has been blogging for about a year and a half and earning money from ads —THIS IS NOT THE WAY TO EARN 5 figures a month!

Take these hints above as a good place to start earning REAL money on your blog!


The answer is content promotion. You've created a blog post, now you need to promote it for the world to see! But how do we drive traffic on a blog post? We have found that there are six simple steps that will help you promote your newest article and get it in front of more eyes. In this blog post, I'll be going over those six steps so you can take advantage of them as well.

#1: Create an eye-catching title

#2: Write an attention-grabbing introduction

#3: Include keywords throughout the text

#4: Share with influencers or people who might share your content

#5: Promote through social media channels like Facebook or Twitter



Welcome To Blogging And Online Earning Facebook Page, Click On The Link.. To Go Over To It…. It’s new. it was created recently for the purpose of sharing value as always… Thank you..


If you are a content writer, you probably know that quality content is essential if you want to keep your readers interested and hungry for more. The best way to do this is to create a blog. It is the very foundation that offers value to readers, imparting useful information to them, and solidifying your brand’s reputation in your industry. While there are many strategies and tips on how to write a blog post and when to post it, the length of time it takes to bring it to fruition is seldom discussed.

How much time should you spend on writing a blog post?

Various factors determine the length of time it takes for you to finish one blog post. The process often starts from a blog topic idea.

Your writing skills can also be a factor. Experienced content writers can finish a blog post within four hours or less. Sometimes it depends on the topic. Some topics require more in-depth analysis and more time to polish. Other topics may be easier to write about.

Let’s dig deeper into other key factors that determine how long it will take to write a blog post.

The rise of quality content

The length of time it takes to write a blog post keeps increasing every year. According to statistics, the time spent on writing a blog post has increased by 65% since 2014. While the average blog post takes only three hours and 57 minutes to complete, the mounting demand for quality content increases the time you need to write one.

Frequency and content length

About 23% of bloggers post several times a month, as opposed to the 2% who do it daily. This must be another effect of the rising trend, where long-form content is preferred over the short-form one. For many bloggers, their success lies in finding the right balance between the length of content, which can be time-consuming, and posting frequency. Marketers should take a leaf out of their books.

If you want to engage your readers, you must provide them with useful information. Long-form content is the way to go. Although this can eat up more hours, as it involves thorough research, the rewards outweigh the difficulties.

Visitors and SEO strategy

Bloggers who earn money from their blogs invest more time in their craft. In fact, 30% of the most successful ones devote more than 30 hours a week on their blogs.

But for marketers, the motivation and drive behind the painstaking process of writing a blog post is often the prize of winning the search engine ranking game. Quality content that attracts visitors is a must for your search engine optimization (SEO) strategy.

If you really want your content to show up on the first page of Google, you should focus on quality. It can make a huge difference, even if this means you spend more time on your writing.

5 tips to help you write quality content in less time

Although writing your blog posts in record time is impressive, you should not try achieving that at the expense of the quality of your content. These tips will help you manage your time better and write your blog posts like a professional.

1. Gather your blog topics in one place

It is easier to get started with the research and writing process if you know what to write about. Most marketers and content writers make use of an editorial content calendar to help them keep track and plan their topics for the next week or month. This will save you a good amount of time. It will eliminate the need to brainstorm for blog post ideas every time you have to write.

2. Do some research before you sit down to write

Being an expert on a certain topic can be a huge help when you are writing your blog post, but if you are not, it might take you longer to create your content. If you do research beforehand, it can make the actual writing process a lot smoother.

Before you sit down to write, make sure you know what your topic encompasses. Gather the needed facts and statistics or find out how your competitors are handle a particular blog post topic. The research stage can also help you identify and choose relevant keywords needed to boost your SEO strategy.

3. Create an outline first

You might be quite excited to get started right away. However, you should write a solid outline first. It is a good practice. This will help you plan out the approach and how to go about the writing process. You will be able to determine what works best and what will give your blog post a fresh element.

4. Start your writing process

Now that you have everything you need, you can sit at your desk and start to write your blog post. Make sure that you have covered all the elements, from the introduction to the conclusion. You must also ensure that you have properly formatted your blog post by assigning the different types of headings as this can improve its readability, making it easier for your readers to follow through from start to finish.

5. Edit and proofread before you publish

When you write the conclusion for your blog post, it does not mean you are done. It is advisable that you go through what you wrote and correct any grammar, spelling, or formatting mistakes. Your blog post deserves to be polished before you hit the publish button.

Okay I hope it’s helpful….

My Regards


Hey here is your answer

You can earn much money from affiliate marketing but first you need to influence people to buy a product which you are recommending to them as per their needs. If you get success in selling products which you are recommending to others then you will get the commission from the seller.


Which web hosting provider is the best for your business in 2021? That question has a difficult answer. The truth is that there are many factors to consider when choosing a web hosting service, and what's right for one person or company may not be the best solution for another.

We're going to go through some of the most important things you should consider, including price, features, customer support, and more. We'll also give you our pick for which provider we think will be leading this space in 2021!

Let's dive in!

-Price: Lower prices are better, but you also need to consider the level of service and reliability that come with your price. If you're on a tight budget then it might make sense for you to go with a cheaper web hosting provider (especially if they offer free domain registration), but we recommend getting more expensive services like Cloudflare or SiteLock which will protect your site from outside threats.

-Features: You want to measure this by what you're looking for in your web hosting service. If you plan on need a lot of resources then going with a managed WordPress host might be the best option, but if you only have one website and don't want to worry about managing it yourself an unmanaged shared hosting provider will work great.

In addition, features that are important to consider include SSL certificates which keep all communications between your site visitors and your server encrypted as well as domain privacy services like WhoisGuard or Domain Name Shield which protect against outside parties trying to steal information from our records (like your contact info).

-Customer Support: This is where many people get frustrated when they try their hand at self-hosting a WordPress site. If you're not comfortable troubleshooting and fixing issues on your own, then it's worth looking into managed hosting services that offer 24/hour support.

-Cost: There are many factors to consider when deciding what the best web host is going to be for you in 2021; cost will vary depending on which features or needs you have and how often you need customer service help.

-Performance: Speed is an important factor of any website whether it's personal or business related so look at potential hosts' user reviews before committing to one just because they were low price points. That said, some providers like Bluehost

guarantee speed as part of their package - if this matters most from your perspective then start there!

-Billing: Some providers offer a monthly cost, while others charge by the hour. The general consensus is that managed hosting plans are more expensive in terms of dollars but cheaper in time - if you prefer to have someone else manage your site for you and you're willing to pay extra then this could be a good option as well.

The number 1 on our list for best web hosts of 2021 goes out to Bluehost

! As we mentioned earlier, they provide features like speed guarantees and customer service 24/hours which can help remove some stress from running any business online. And with their low prices (as long as it's not just an introductory price), there's no reason why anyone should go without these benefits!

If you are new to SEO, there is a lot of information out there on which tools to use. It can be hard to find the right ones for your needs and time frame. You don't want to spend hours trying different things if they aren't going to work for you in the end! This blog post will help with that by giving an overview of some of the best SEO tools available.

Which tools should you try? We'll cover six popular ones below:

1) Google Analytics

2) Moz Toolbar

3) SEMrush

4) Ahrefs

5) MajesticSEO

6) Buzzsumo

Google Analytics is a free and robust tool for keeping track of your website's SEO performance. You can use this to see where people are coming from, what keywords they're searching for, which pages they visit on your site most often, how long they stay there before leaving - the list goes on. It has formed in place so that you can respond to any customer inquiries or questions as well!

Moz toolbar is another great option because it gives you access to their powerful search engine optimization tools without having to install software onto your computer. This makes things easier if you only need one specific tool at a time. For example, if someone were looking into keyword research then using Moz would be more efficient than downloading separate programs specifically tailored towards that.

SEMrush is a popular option for beginners because it's an affordable and useful tool. It has in-depth data about your website including keyword research, backlinks analysis, organic traffic estimation, site audit (including on-page SEO),

Position tracking so you can see how well you're doing with search rankings and more. The downside is that SEMrush only offers limited reporting features

Ahrefs is another great choice as they offer competitive pricing packages tailored to different needs - from individual users up to big enterprises. This company also provides superior customer service which allows them to provide round-the-clock assistance! They have many tools available such as rank tracker which lets you know where you stand against your competition or what keywords are working best for certain industries! There's

MajesticSEO is a fantastic tool to use for link prospecting and analyzing your competition's backlinks.

Buzzsumo should also be used as it can help you get an idea of what content might do well on social media or which articles are generating the most interest in particular industries. This will allow you to write better, more compelling blogs posts that your


How can I get organic traffic on this website? Originally Answered: How can I get organic traffic to my site?

Organic traffic is the holy grail of advertising. It's free and it can be obtained by many different methods, including SEO, blogging, social media marketing, and more. Here are 4 tips to get your site ranked higher in Google search results:

First- you need a website with high-quality content that includes keywords relevant to your business or product.

Second- you need to submit your website URL to other websites so they will link back to you.

Third- make sure your website has an XML sitemap because this tells Google about all the pages on your site and how often they're updated.

Fourth- use webmaster tools like Google Webmaster Tools or Bing Webmaster Tools which allow you access to various statistics about how 

What are the best ways of increasing your blog traffic? Originally Answered: What are the best 10 tips to increase blog traffic?Basing on my experience as the online marketing manager I have compiled a list of good practices which let you grow traffic on your website.

Here’re my best 10 tips to increase blog traffic (only easy to provide, and affordable things you can do to stand out of the crowd)

1. Post regularly - it is a must! People like to know that they can regularly read something new on your blog. It keeps your blog alive.

2. Write an e-book, do a webinar, organize an online course - it’s always good to give something to your audience. They will repay with love, shares, and engagement. Also, it let you create your own personal brand as an expert, and this is priceless!

3. Build a database of e-mail addresses - this way you would be able to stay in touch with your audience. It’s a good idea to give them something for subscribing, for example, an e-book :)

4. Use social media - find places where your target audience is active, set up a fanpage, g+ profile. Instagram, Snapchat or Twitter account. But choose wisely and be there where your audience already is to meet them instead of wasting time and trying to get them there.

5. Share your posts on social media. Use your fanpage and personal profile. Share posts on groups for bloggers or thematic groups (check terms of the group to ensure that you’re allowed to post links to your own blog).

6. Implement social buttons on your blog and blog posts - it makes sharing so much easier, and people just like to use them. Use one of available plugins; it’s quite easy.

7. Don’t forget about CTA! - Like post! Subscribe! Follow! Leave a comment! Sign-up for a newsletter! (Upvote this answer if you find it helpful! :) )
At the end of your blog posts and social media posts put some call to action and encourage people to share your posts.

8. Say thank you!- react to every single share of your content on the internet. Like, comment, say thank you, engage conversations. It’s so easy and let your readers know that you are grateful, care about them and their opinions.

9. Engage - engage online conversations relevant to your blog posts on the internet. Share your knowledge, make people like you, and share links to your articles. Share their posts and content related to your topic, it’ll pay you back!

10. Cooperate - with other bloggers and experts. Find influencers in your niche, talk to them, engage them, collaborate. This way you can reach their audience and let them reach yours. Win-win!

The best way to track mentions on the internet is to use some tool which will constantly monitors the web for you instead of searching manually trough the internet and all social media channels.

It gives you instant access to all public mentions on the internet and allows you to track and engage online conversations relevant to the topic you’re interested in. The tool shows you in one dashboard mentions from all over the web, from social media to influential publishers.

Thanks to this you can track shares of your blog posts, mentions about you and your blog, join and engage conversations.

Also, due to analyses, you can find inside the dashboard you could find influencers and authors with the biggest social media reach, so you will know who to cooperate with.

Start monitoring now, try a free trial

and see how beneficial it’d be for you!


How can a meta description affect my SEO? Originally Answered: Do meta descriptions affect SEO?A meta description is the short paragraph of text (snippet of information) that you see below the link of a search result. It is placed in the HTML of a webpage that describes its content.

Having a good Meta description that shows up in search results is important not only for SEO but for improving your traffic because it is what the user sees when deciding whether or not to click the link to your site. Sometimes, Google will use your meta description and sometimes they’ll show a snippet of content from the body of your page that is relevant to what the user searched

See for example our Meta descriptions under each title:

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